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About CyPAOB
Welcome Message from the President
Vision, Mission and Responsibilities
Organizational Chart
Strategic Objectives
Board of Directors
Executive Management
Disciplinary Committee
Annual Reports
Institutional Framework
Legal Framework
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
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Public Register
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About CyPAOB
Welcome to the official website of the Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board
Mission and Responsibilities
To support and strengthen public trust in the Audit Profession by exercising substantial, independent oversight and promoting adherence to high auditing standards
The primary responsibilities and duties of the Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board (CyPAOB) are:
the approval and registration of statutory auditors and audit firms in the Public Register; and
the adoption by the statutory auditors and audit firms, of standards on professional ethics, internal quality control of statutory audit firms and the statutory audits, unless these standards have been adopted or approved by the authorities of another Member State; and
the continuing education of statutory auditors and audit firms; and
the quality assurance systems for statutory auditors and audit firms; and
the disciplinary investigation and referral procedures for statutory auditors and audit firms in a disciplinary trial before the Disciplinary Committee or other competent body and generally of the operation of the disciplinary system.
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